Meet the Bonez Family

So our first blog is here and its always hard trying to think what to say and how to say it.
I was always told to talk about what you love and what your passionate about, so I guess we should discuss our dogs, our three golden girls that can do no wrong. As we have just comeback from a weekend in Amsterdam we left them for the first time in a couple of years with my parents, who have two sprockers of their own. So, we knew they would be in good hands.
Once we arrived home, we realised how empty the home felt with out them running around, and how quiet itis. So, I guess let me introduce the clan. Our first dog is Cali she is our big ball of fur who is the softest one of the three. We got her during lockdown from a farm in Yettington Devon. Sophie fell in love with her instantly and we were lucky that we could pop back and see her often before the restrictions got to much.
As Cali was mostly at home apart from walks during lockdown she became vary wary of other humans and became very unsure when anyone came around the house or knocked on the door, she is a lot better now and soon becomes anyone’s best friend.
A year later I heard that due to Cali’s dog dad not being very well they had decided to have another litter so we were the first ones back to the farm.
We got Demi, she was brought into the house at a tough time as we were having some building work done in the home. My Dad was very poorly and my Nan passed away all within the same week so we built a special little bond and she took up lots of my time which really helped. Now Demi is older she is definitely the nutter of the house. She is always happy and her tail never stops. Even when she is told off, I always find myself apologising to her as she has a look that makes you feel so guilty.
So now we have two sprockers that are blood sisters and I forgot to mention that my mum also had two dogs from the litters as well. Murphy who is Cali’s litter mate and Parker who is Demi’s. A year later again and I started to receive picture messages from Soph as you can guess it was photos of puppies, one with the tagline “she is perfect, she is the colouring that I wanted”. My response was “No”. A few days of back and forth and she dropped the news that the puppy was in Newcastle…a 13hour round trip. So again, I said “No” a few hours passed and another message came through with a bombshell which truly backed me into the corner. The couple that was selling the puppies had said that the husband was a marine and he was stationed in Lympstone, Devon (about 2 minutes from my house) and he would be returning to base the weekend that she is ready, so he could bring her down to our front door. You couldn’t make it up so I agreed but I said as long as I could name her. Sophie agreed and we would soon welcome Bonnie to the household.
The night he brought her down was great and she fitted straight in, she is our little mischievous one and often pushes the boundaries but we feel that’s what makes her Bonnie and she has such a loving side that makes you forget about the stealing of the cat food or the zoomies in the living room when you are trying to settle down.
So we have our three sprockers, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. For myself I was always wary of having a dog as I didn’t think I could deal with the end. After seeing men in my life go through loss, I didn’t think I could do it. Soph has always said to me that they are a part of our life but we are their whole life so let’s make their lives the best they can be, and as always, she was so right.